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2021-05-17 18:46:09


文獻名:Eradicating intracellular MRSA via targeted delivery of lysostaphin and vancomycin with mannose-modified exosomes



作者Xiaohong Yangab; Beibei Xieb; Haibo Pengb; Gongming Shib; Banne Sreenivasb; Jian Guob; Chenhui Wangb; Yun Heb

a  Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 266 Fangzheng Ave, Shuitu Technology Development Zone, Beibei, 400714 Chongqing, China

b  Chongqing Key Laboratory of Natural Product Synthesis and Drug Research, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chongqing University, 55 Daxuecheng South Road, Shapingba, 401331 Chongqing, China




摘要:Intracellular methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is extremely difficult to remove by common antibiotics, leading to infection recurrence and resistance. Herein we report a novel exosome-based antibiotic delivery platform for eradicating intracellular MRSA, where mannosylated exosome (MExos) is employed as the drug carrier and preferentially taken up by macrophages, delivering lysostaphin (MExoL) and vancomycin (MExoV) to intracellular pathogens. Combination of MExoL and MExoV eradicated intracellular quiescent MRSA. Moreover, MExos rapidly accumulated in mouse liver and spleen, the target organs of intracellular MRSA, after intravenous (IV) administration. Thus, the MExos antibiotic delivery platform is a promising strategy for combating intracellular infection.



關鍵詞:Exosomes; Surface functionalization; Antibiotics; Targeted delivery; Intracellular infection




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